435 Magical Scottish Names

Braveheart, Highlander, Brave, and Rob Roy are all great movies related to Scotland. Scottish names may sound magical because of the way it reflects the rich history and cultural heritage of Scotland. You’ll often see men wearing kilts or playing a tune in bagpipes. Even golf, a famous sport, originated in 15th-century Scotland.

In Scotland, it is common to use traditional surnames as forenames. For example, Macaulay and Macallister. The Scots are also very creative when it comes to spelling. A single name can have so many variants.

You don’t need to have a Scottish heritage to use these magical names. One cool thing about these names is that they sound unisex or gender-neutral. Perfect as either a boy or girl name.

Each name in the table below is a link to a page where you can read more about that name’s personality and popularity. Lang may yer lum reek! (Good luck!)

Name Gender
Name Gender
Aberdeen Girl
Ailie Girl
Alec Boy
Alick Boy
Allaster Boy
Alpin Boy
Alpine Boy
Annot Girl
Aodh Boy
Aodhagan Boy
Aoife Girl
Ardis Girl
Ardiss Girl
Ardyce Girl
Ardys Girl
Ardyss Girl
Argyle Boy
Argyll Boy
Arran Boy
Arren Boy
Arrin Boy
Arron Boy
Artair Boy
Baird Boy
Baldie Boy
Bannoch Boy
Bannock Boy
Bar Boy
Barclay Boy
Barcley Boy
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